Blog & Articles

The Truth: Self-Awareness Stories
“I don’t have an eating problem.” Says the fat man as he eats his second fast food hot apple pie.  “It’s not me, it’s him” she thinks…
We All Wear Masks
We all wear masks. And in this case I’m not speaking of the literal masks that we’ve all gotten accustomed to wearing on our trips to the grocery…
The Freedom of Self-Forgetfulness
The title of this narrative is taken from Timothy Keller’s book by the same name. Self-forgetfulness - true humility or selflessness - is a rare…
Writing Your Story
“If you want something and don’t get it, that means you really didn’t want it, or you tried to bargain over the price.” – Rudyard Kipling…
Change is Good ... You Go First
Everyone likes staying in his or her comfort zone. After all, they call it a “comfort” zone for a reason. The truth is, change happens to us…
Good to Great
We should NEVER settle for just “good enough;” we should always stretch from good to great – the best we can be!!  Here are imperatives about…
There is No Try
We must refuse to keep using “lack of time or confidence” as an excuse to not get started. Those excuses are simply a form of procrastination.  
On Being an Adult
One of the four (4) steps in the DREAM4 Maturity Model is the Step of Self-Accountability.  In other words, the step of “being an adult.”  What…
Think Differently
As you begin 2019, we simply want to send you the best wishes, both personally and professionally, for a great year. As you make decisions, in all…
New Habits in Four Phrases
Several years ago, I was a part of a meeting which had a “repeat after me” session.  It went something like this: Please repeat after me the…
The Sacred Season
Over the next 60 days we will travel through a calendar that includes Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. Each of these…
The Importance of Desire
Everyone is created for a unique purpose – but how many actually find it? How many actually ignore or minimize the “tugging of their heart” and…
"DREAM4 has literally been the roadmap to my success. I like to explain the DREAM4 team as the compass to my roadmap. The DREAM4 program has helped me become a better leader, husband, father, and stronger in my faith. It’s really cool to see how self-centeredness can become self-awareness that converts to selflessness."
Business Development, Memphis, TN

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National Fallen Firefighters Foundation
Valent Group
City of Hoover
City of Mountain Brook
Wisdom Tree, LLC
Kassouf Healthcare Solutions
Frontline Pest Control
City of Gulf Shores
Little Arrow Outdoor Resort
Richter Landscape Company
Big Slate Media
Acre Group
Electromagnetic Marketing